Monday, February 27, 2012

The Emptiness of the Void

Some things in our lives become such a big part of what we do, that they become incorporated into who we are.  The time comes when one cannot tell where they begin and the thing that they became so fixated on ends.  So often these things are negative things which account for the empty space in our lives in which we try to hide from others.  This empty space, this void that we end up feeling that can only be filled by this one fixation, which in turn becomes a self sustaining emptiness in our souls.  Whether it is a relationship we know is no good for us, substance abuse, eating disorder, pornography addiction, or even overusing different forms of entertainment.  These types of fixations become personal sink holes, and the more effort and of your heart your put into them the more you sink into the mess which surrounds you. The longer you do them the more you begin to realize that they are ruining your life.  If we look at the music video posted above we see this same thing illustrated quite beautifully, at the beginning he is just an individual and at the end he becomes part of the thing which he is fixated on.
When we begin to try to change or get rid of these things from our lives it is like performing an surgery and cutting a tumor from muscles, after your done there is an empty unusable space which causes you pain.  Through much pain and toil the muscle will grow in and eventually heal, however your will always be left with the scar of your past, to remind you of that pain.  As in the music video at the end the girl is slowly unincorporated from the work of art, there will be a hole left behind from where she is, that space can be filled though work and determination.  Then as in the song they or it will be just "somebody(or something) that we used to know".  These holes in our very being once filled in can become something we lean on when life begins to get hard once again, and instead of empty space left in our lives and souls can feel whole.

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