Monday, February 13, 2012

Logically illogical

I have found myself a little at a loss lately not having anything of note going through my mind that needs to be commented on.  I was however revisiting in my mind the importance of original thoughts and dreams.  It is very interesting that in history nearly all great and impactful  discoveries have at first been an original thought or idea.  That is to say that not many which have been found that have truly changed peoples lives have been "Oops" moments in the field of science.   This is because Logic is often bound by laws and knowledge which we already have while ideas and dreams can start at the end product and need the Logic to fill in the gaps to make it possible.If life was filled only with logic we would be but computers making cold decisions based on statistics and animal needs not venturing from the form in which we are made.  For when Dreaming Dreams, the Dreamer Dreams of Dreaming of a Dream of which others can Dream.
When making or deciding on rules we would place bridles on our thoughts as having to follow the rules and any thoughts that aren't supported by these rules are considered silly or simple minded.  A Creator however is one who is able to take these rules and bend them towards his Dream making his dream possible. For instance we from a young age learn that man cannot walk to the window and jump out and fly to work every morning,  However the flight of a man is possible and has been achieved by bending logic to that purpose. The trick  is though not letting ones own logic get in the way of their pursuit of the Dream. It is logically illogical to think that all things that can be thought of are not possible because where one mans logic ends may be where one mans logic begins.

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