Saturday, March 3, 2012

Standing on the Edge

I find myself in the midst of an life altering decisions that could drastically alter the coarse of my life and where I end up.  Whenever the thought of how big it is going to be towards my future I feel my heart crawling up in the throat.  If only man could see the full progression of such a decisions and the weight it causes in their lives.  I feel as a man standing at the summit of a mountain in front of a cliff trying to decide whether to jump and take the new path which has presented itself, or whether to turn around and take the known path back down.  I have never been comfortable taking these so called leaps of faith, but I guess that's why they are called that because they are not meant to be comfortable.
If anyone has been reading the other things on my blog you would have figured out that I have been feeling like I have been caught in the rut as of late, and been waiting for a change.  Well here one has come and here I am  whining about the summit I took myself too and the unsure nature of the future it holds for me.  There are two things that give me pause and they are the safety and well being of my family, which me taking this step would help me be able to provide for them, but possibly at the expense of my own.
To leap or not to leap, put my faith that the consequences will be good or follow the trail in which I know the path? Such is life's journey so I guess I should lace up my boots and get to it.

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