Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Love Hate Paradigm

Having spent endless hours studying the human mind I can tell you that one of the most telling things about us is found by asking a person or yourself two questions simple questions.  The first question one should ask being "What do you love?", and the next being "What do you hate?".  Though these question may be simple, have you ever asked yourself why you love certain things and why you hate others? This seemingly simple task becomes much more complex when you start getting down to the nitty-gritty of the answers of what specifically makes you like one thing while you hate something else.  These simple questions have very telling roots and are excellent tools for telling you what may drive or motivate an individual.  After some time doing this with different individuals you come to realize that what a person loves and hates mirrors deep inner motives which is the premise of the "Love Hate Paradigm".
To pull a page from my own book of life as an example you would find that I am someone who loves spending time by myself.  Then you must ask yourself questions like "why would someone like to spend time by themselves, alone doing things?" or "what does being alone give to someone that being around others doesn't?".  Once you dig deeper than the most obvious answers like maybe they're shy or introverted which is most often true. You would then get the "what does having other humans take away from an individual?", which you would gather after some thought that inanimate objects and solidarity gives and individual total control over situations, or in other words they are a control freak.  They enjoy spending time alone because when they are alone they can do and say what they want, and decide how to control their own environments. To show how hate mirrors something I love; One thing I detest is having to repeat myself multiple times when talking to someone else.  This is another thing that we can draw a few conclusions from and also see our first conclusion in a different and more complete light.  We again see another human element and something that limits the control of the individual in the situation, but also we can find clues to things they appreciate in another person.
From this form of logic or this way of thinking after examining a list of a persons loves and hates you can get to know them in a much deeper level.  It is however, as other things contingent on being able to draw applicable conclusions on the information which is given to you and tying them together until you see the larger picture as a whole.  If you know the individual well enough or are able to observe them (or yourself) you will see how these certain things will bleed into many different and variable sections of how they act in their lives.  This is also a good way to dig deeper into the puzzle that is yourself if you have a mind to. This is psychoanalysis in its most basic form, and I can tell you from experience there is no telling how deep down the rabbit hole a person can go with this kind of information.   The "Love Hate" paradigm is reflective of how the world works for what is darkness but the absence of its opposite, and what is love but the absence of its opposite.

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