Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Own Personal Worm Hole

Einstein theorized that a man could travel faster than the speed of light to get people to places nearly instantaneously.  My Astronomy professor illustrated this point by taking a sheet of paper and saying that to travel the distance of the sheet of paper one must travel the full distance which is there.  There is a loop hole in that however if one could theoretically fold that distance and make the one point on the paper touch the other point thus bending the distance onto itself making the distance virtually non-existent. For the sake of time we will not talk to much about how Albert Einstein said that threw this method one could theoretically travel faster than time itself  and the science behind it just know that it is based on some of the same principles.
To obtain this type of travel one would have to cause an explosion so powerful and fast that it literally tore the fabric of space and allowed one to move outside many of the elements of the natural laws that bind the earth.  This is basically what many people believe worm holes are, basically black holes (which are supposed to make matter collapsed into itself) but instead of collapsing towards the center of it like a black hole they collapse into another part of space.  This is because matter itself when collapsed in onto itself the whole universe must explode inward to fill the space that is left behind.  Matter itself once it has become matter cannot just cease to exist, therefore it then most with the same force of the earlier explosions fly through space much like what happens with a bubble blown out in the bottom of the ocean and which then zips to the surface,  I am a bit limited in my vocabulary to try and describe it but hopefully my illustrations have drawn a picture which somewhat illustrates this theory.
My point in bringing this up is two fold, one I find it fascinating and enjoy sitting and thinking about it at length, the other is that it is a solution for me, which I use when something is upsetting me. When something makes me angry I try to always jump to the end result and either resolve the problem or move on with my life.  I myself as quickly as I can try to deduce the logical progression that everything will take and take myself where I feel the situation will end up.  In a sense I make a wormhole for myself to jump though so I don't have to waste all that precious time and energy fighting against the natural progression of things.  This is something I have been trying for years to develop, and quite often after the first huge emotional surge instead of acting on the emotions and how I feel in that moment I find myself overly clear minded when something happens.  It is this strange skill which I have developed much without myself knowing that makes me great in the crisis and able to think analytically while others are dipping into their emotions. Much like the theory of wormholes it is hard to explain when you begin traveling great emotional distances in seemingly short amounts of time. 

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