Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Cowled Crow Flies Again!!!

After over a year of not posting anything new I have decided to revisit my blog once again.  Interestingly enough my blog ended up serving a purpose I had not originally intended.  I got a job a couple of years ago at boarding school for "Troubled" teens, and part of what I did there was help out with their 12 step program and my blog post were helpful when used as readings or discussions points for the group.  So having basically left my blog to the scrap heap I have decided to revive it and bring it back from purgatory.  My blog will now serve at the very least as a place to stockpile this kind of material so I can use it as a database for the future.  Who knows maybe someone will stumble on it and find it worth a look as well.  I will begin by re-posting some of my old blogs (or maybe better describes as editing) I had to give them a bit of a face-lift because of my lack of writing prowess, though I am sure it will still offend the local grammar nazi.  While I am at it I hope the fast approaching New year finds your well and hopefully mine does too!