Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Web Of Influence

Charting your Sphere of Influence, or web as  I like to think of it can be a dizzying thing to try to do.  The reason I prefer to call it a web instead of a sphere is because a sphere is something that someone can just wander into, a web on the other hand denotes that the others are tied or stuck to you in some way which I think is more true to form.  For instance a person doesn't just walk in and out of your sphere of influence because whether you like it or not you just being in the presence of others alters their perception of the word even if just minutely.
To try to look at it on a more simple facet or a more practical one, a couple of my years ago my cousin made the mistake of taking his own life.  Though he may have at the time thought that noone cared for him or that the world would be better off without him the loss of that one life has drastically changed the world.  His immediate family still struggles to come to terms of having their lost loved one, his younger sisters are often depressed, his older brother just got a tattoo of the phrase "Never Forgotten". This is to be expected when thinking of a persons life it is those closest to them feel the brunt of it the most.  To take it deeper though think of the one act and how many peoples lives were affected, how many people took time off work to attend his funeral to have another take their place at work and the dominoes continue to fall until we have thousands, maybe millions, maybe even the whole world being affected, and much of it ends up being in a negative way. Much like the fabled butterfly effect we can choose our actions in our sphere of control, however we cannot control what affect those actions have on the world. Sadder still in situations is that we cannot chose who is stuck to us in our web of influence.  In the example  I stated before I'm sure my cousin had no idea what a profound affect this had on me, a person who in many ways was just a little footnote in his life  though I think of him weekly if not daily.
This I think brings life into a whole another perspective because there are many light and dark acts and influences in this world it makes me wonder which do mine fall under.  Did I in my life unintentionally cause some person four or more weblinks down the line the have some very negative things happen in their life?  One may choose those they are close with and those of whom they spend their time, however one cannot pretend that the world does not feel their everyday actions.  After all it is believed that the whole universe weight is held on a persons shoulders and if that person suddenly disappeared the whole universe would have to collapse to feel the space that that one person once took, which could in theory make the whole universe collapse into itself. 

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