Sunday, March 11, 2012

Ode to Zombies

Take a bite of my brain, 
you'll feel complete, 
with white and grey matter stuck in your teeth.

It's my turn to eat,
And isn't it sweet,
the way you mind squishes into my cheek.

Together we dine,
need I remind,
how great it is to have a meeting of minds.

Morbid as this little poem of sorts is, if you look at it from a symbolic standpoint I find myself feeling as a zombie wanting to "eat" knowledge from others minds. The more graphic the thought the better chance it has to get caught in ones mind which is why I like this Ode and the hidden meanings behind it. It has been so long in my life since I have been able to have a deep, meaningful, and intellectual conversation with someone.  I find nothing more stimulating then when you are able to talk to someone of greater or equal knowledge or intelligence at length with  each other about anything and everything, and taking each at more than face value.  Mundane things seem to beat one down, and strangle their minds with impunity  for it is in the yoke of challenge they thrive and spark new life, thought, and vigor to the meaning of their lives. Delving in the depths of my own mind is a great if not treacherous thing, but it is good at time to feed on the knowledge of others.   

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