Saturday, December 31, 2011
Creation is the spark of divinity
If there was ever something that separates humans from animals it would be our ability not just for rational thought but to dream, and create. The ability to create or organize a thought into a way in which it hasn't been seen before is something that is infinitely important to the human race yet often seems lost on them. Einstein one of the greatest minds to have roamed the earth said "Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources", which is a statement that has depth in more ways than one. For instance the ability for original thought is greatly hampered by the fact that we as humans use symbols and words to convey our thoughts, how then I find myself wondering can a person truly have an original thought when we must use a predetermined language and symbols to determine that thought. Having thought on this topic at length I have determined that the originality of a thought then is not the thoughts themselves but how they are organized together making them unique from others because of how it has been organized. Original thought therefore must be derived within the conforms of the predetermined language but by someone separated enough by either social structure or mental structure to have an original thought. This social process is the reason I feel that many great artist or writers are not recognized for their exception in their lives but after their dead. Detachment from the world leads to creativity however this same detachment leads others to view the mind of such an individual as crazy or against social norms. By this premise I could say me writing my thoughts on the subject has limited your ability to create for communication is nothing if not the conformity of minds. This concept I feel makes it difficult for me as an aspiring writer because how does one write a story tempered enough in conformity so that the individuals reading it will receive it well, while also organizing it in an original enough way that it is indeed something of my own design.
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