When does ones action or desires become a part of a persons being, or become them? This is a question I posed to myself in thinking of behavior modification both of others and of myself. One of the reason this question is an interesting one is it goes back to the very essence of can a man change who they are? Can we change our base desires and shackle our very nature becoming who we desire to be rather than who we are by nature? I think those are very important questions to ask oneself whenever a person is striving to morph themselves into a better or different version of themselves. One person once told me that it is harder to change the will of a man than to will the moving of a mountain. In many ways I think this statement is very true for ourselves and others, if we don't have the will or want to to do something then simply put we won't. Nothing short of magic will set us from our coarse.
Through study and personal experience I know that one can change themselves down to their very nature. This is however very difficult and takes a large amount of Will and discipline which is why very few people can master this "Magic". To illustrate how it is done I will use an example of the circle of mastery. This is Merlins Three Degrees of Wizardry.
The Three Degrees of Wizardry(classes)
1. Incantation: The medium of their spell casting is speech.
2. Hand Wizards: The medium of their spell casting is gestures of the hands.
3. Will Wizard: The medium of the spell casting is thought.
Looking at these three degrees Incantation is the least skilled form of wizardry, Hand Wizards are the more skilled, and Will Wizards are the most. This is rated in the matter of of time it takes each to cast a spell. The Incantation wizard must recite long spells in order to cast a spell which would not be ideal when things get hairy. The Hand Wizard simply has to do a form of movement or gesture with their hands and their magic springs to life which of coarse can be quite fast. The highest form of wizardry is the Will Wizard which over time and practice needs only to think of a spell to cast it.
These degrees exemplify how a person can know that they have changed who they are. It all starts with a person beginning to tell themselves they want to change (speech) and letting others know as well. Over time and after making some of the mental preparations involved in making a change the person begins doing the things which denote the change they want to make (hands). They begin taking the actions they need to for instance if a person wanted to live a more healthy lifestyle they would first have to tell themselves of the changes they need to make(incantation) and then start making those changes (hand/action) such as exercising and eating more healthy. This leads us to the last stage and the one in which one knows they have changed. To use the example I gave earlier the person has decided they want to live more healthy so they decided what changes they need to make and then they put those decisions into action, then over time they begin to stop craving the unhealthy foods they used to, they begin doing the stuff without much thought or action which points to the fact that they have changed (thoughts). Over time of doing the thing that which was so difficult in the beginning the person becomes the change that they wanted to make. The "Magic" of it all is that it is easier said than done. People tend to forget that all change requires work on their part. For the caterpillar to change into a butterfly it must go through the anguish of working its way out of the cocoon it has wrapped itself in. Finding that reason to put yourself through that pain is the spark of magic one needs to make it through the change which they seek. If they can find that reason that motivator they will realize that they are able to Master Magic.
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