Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Spinal Tap My Brain Freeze

It has been a long time since I have wrote anything, on this blog or otherwise.  There have been several times in which I sat down and started trying to write something and have been unable to do so.  It has almost been as if my brain has been totally burned out of all its creative juices.  Many things  I suppose could have been attributed to it, life as of late has come at me pretty hard. Admittedly I have found myself at a big lack of motivation to do so also, probably attributed to the fact that it hard to write things for others when your pretty sure nobody is reading it, which I know is contrary to what I said was my original reason for writing it.    I have also been "Going Poe" on myself as of late due to my lack of grammatical prowess , I find simple ridicules mistakes when I read my  own writing so I am sure others have done the same and been scared off while reading my blog.  As of late however I have been looking for an outlet and a place to organize my thoughts once again.  Therefore, I shall redouble my efforts and begin once again to write in this blog whilst remembering my original reason for writing the blog in the first place.
For my first blog back I have decided to sit down and elaborate a little on why I think my brain has been frozen whenever I sit down to write a blog.  In thinking on this subject  I find myself first turning towards the fact that as of late I find myself bogged down in many left brain activities.  The "Left" side of the brain is of coarse the side of the brain that controls logic, and reason. Though the left side of the brain is quite often the side in which the world is most focused on and seems most worried about it does very little to promote the creative thought one which my logic is organized when writing.  A balanced use of both sides of my brain has always been something I have prided myself on, which unfortunately has been a luxury I cannot afford.  The rigors of being a parent with two children under the age of four with house, financial, and altruistic worries has retarded my creativity.  The brain like any muscle may atrophy if it is not appropriately exercised.  This lack of exercise has left the right brain(if one doesn't know which right brain in-tales one  should see the diagram at the bottom of this blog).
To give my brain a bit of a spinal tap I have spent a big portion of my day drawing and exercising that side of my brain.  I have even given myself to start writing things with my left hand instead of my write to make sure I use every opportunity to release the ice and muck from my brain.  I find my life has more color and meaning when I strive to balance myself and now I find myself not only having things to write about but motivated to do so.  So if you find yourself in a similar situation or even just a bit of a rut I would take this opportunity to give your Brain Freeze a Spinal Tap.

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