Saturday, December 1, 2012

Meant For More

In our beginning we come to this world with limitless potential, as we grow and learn it is the world itself that binds our potential and hold us back.  I feel this everyday in my life, how bogged down do we become because of the rigorous menial task we ourselves undertake each and every day.  Not to be a broken record but we live in a time like no other with more time to spend doing something other than as in old times living life from meal to meal, yet what do we do with our time, how do we spend our time which others in other times so treasured? We are caught in a world full of puzzles which we have created for ourselves.  Our government has become so bureaucratic in nature that it does not function the way it was intended, Our society spends millions upon millions of dollars and hours just creating ways to use the excess time technologies have given it. I am a huge supporter of arts and all of the things man has created because It is this ability to create that is the spark of divinity in all of us, but were't we meant for more? What more could have we accomplished as an society and as individuals if we didn't have all these distractions many of which are simply products of someone else's greatness, and from suckling on it many times all we do is squelch our own. How much more meaning would each of our lives have if we had the drive and desire to share our own dreams in reality to others.  These times in which people had time to sit back and think historically gave rise to some of the most revolutionary times like for instance the Renascence.  How long has it been since a major discovery was made that would totally change how life was lived and experience I would dare wager not since the internet and the computer have we had but that has been a very long time when one considers how much has changed since the revolution.
In many ways it seems the world has gotten to distracted on the distractions, the pursuit of money, entertainment,  the easy way of doing things that we have lost sense and the meaning of what it is to be alive, and to live.  We all stand on the shoulders of greatness and grow fat and lazy not wanting to get outside of that comfort zone the world has made to find something greater something deeper, something to give a meaning to our own collective and individual existence.  We are all kings, yet we take the privileges of it and none of the responsibilities of it.  Wake up, Arise and take up arms, We each were meant for so much more than what the illusions of the world have placed before us.  We are Kings and Queens it is time we try to live up to that greatness which is within each of us. As Atlas we hold the weight of our worlds on our backs it is no time to pretend our worlds are in the hands of any one else but our own.

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