That which helps us skew or change our perception of life, bends not only perception itself but bends the very core of the individual who has the perception. In this day and age it seems that everyone needs/wants to break away from the reality of this world which is their lives and live in a place where action and reaction are buffered. The drug addict seeks to see the world outside of their norm so that the reality of there lives carries less weight on their conscientious mind. In so doing a rift in their fabric is created and the more it is fed the hungrier it becomes. For as in nature, rips and tares happen in places in which there has already been damage or wounds, taking the path of least resistance. The drug or addiction becomes symbiotic with these damaged portions of the individual. The individual begins thinking that by feeding this desire the emptiness within them with these perception skewers their holes will be mended. The more they are fed the more they like a parasite gain strength while weakening and opening the holes wider. In a sense the more that is given to them the more that which made the individual the individual begins to die. In "The Perfect Drug" by NIN he compares drugs and addiction to love, and destructive relationships (which happen in both cases). The Parallels between both or astounding and it helps you realize the properties of both. This song (other than finishing the string of music videos which have industrial time period themes you'll see if you go back through them) shows this symbiotic relationship through it's music and lyrics, and how one can becomes consumed by it.
The more ones wounds grow the more powerless and weak the individual begins to come to their cravings and the more likely they are to do rash things and to not be able to return from the place their minds and souls have been taken. The individual (whether knowingly or not) is treating their own inadequacies with fuel to the fire instead of adding water. This symbiotic relationship ends when as all of these types of relationships do, one stops feeding the other. The less the parasite/addiction is fed the less of a hold it has on the individual until one day it dries up and falls dead to the ground leaving the huge holes it has made. This hole left behind must always be filled by something. It is so important for an individual to recognize their emptiness and try to find what causes it so they are not letting parasites into their lives, this is true for lovers and drugs. For (as in the song) the more one gives up themselves to someone or something the more they die as an individual. The more of themselves they give up the more they lose themselves and track of the problems which originally fed the parasite in the first place.

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