It has been a while since I posted anything on this blog. Partially due to the fact that I have gone back to school, but also because I have invested my creative efforts in other things. I have used my past blogs on this site in teaching youth in drug and alcohol treatment, and well as juveniles with anti-social thinking tendencies. All and all the analogies that are contained in these blogs (while grammatically challenged) have proved invaluable in my teaching. Due to this fact, I will try to continue to keep this blog updated in hopes it might help others. If one finds themselves in an environment in which they have to teach others or a therapeutic type environment feel free to use these ideas.
I am currently in school to become a mental health counselor and I have continued to learn in this area, and most if not all of the thoughts contained are sound. In "Heraldry" the crow is often a symbol of a counselor and of wisdom, and this keeps in line with my original purpose for writing this blog. So here's to hoping I can continue to keep this updated even though in some regards it is an antiquated medium lets hope other unsuspecting victims might accidentally find their way here and find something of use. I hope all are well and all are searching or have found meaning in their lives.