I know everyone has heard of all the cheesy talk about how there is no such thing as time, and that it is simply a way for humans to cope and schedule their lives, while it is that it is so much more. When you think of what time is to an individual and what it actually means to each of us you find yourself asking all sorts of altruistic questions, is time simply to me my life here on this earth or is it something more? Or when thinking of how time is described as a flowing river is here and now the ending point? Or are all of these things relative?
When I think of time it as it may you is a bit baffling because my past and memories are all in my head which makes my own personal history the most relevant. Now becomes more of the actors currently on the stage and is so fleeting to comprehend. In thinking of the future I picture a road in front of me leading somewhere and find myself how much that even matters anyways if for some reason tomorrow becomes my end, Time truely is one of the more perplexing notions.
Having asked all these seemingly open ended questions I am struck by the possible ramifications of each of those questions and as usual I must find a way to tie it back to my practical life or else it has no meaning. I once heard that the presence or affects of Light and Energy shone or spent in our universe never end but continue on their coarse or path and this presence affects and shapes the whole universe. Building off that thought or harnessing it I feel that our time is a bit like a torch/flashlight. Our past being the butt end of the flashlight with the batteries and science which creates the lights and decides where it shines. The present is like the lens in which all the energy is focusing its heat and light directing the coarse on which the light will shine, and like flashlight it is the hottest and most important part because of its relevance to the device. The Future of course in this analogy is the light which shines from the light which in and of itself isn't tangible but its affects and purpose are felt by those around it the light that was shown never disappearing from the world but only spreading itself thinner and and having wider affect until it seemingly becomes a piece of the whole, much like how if you where to stand in front of a spot light it would be so light it would blind you but as you look up in the sky you see a much larger circle or less density but of farther influence.
Our time and our lives become like the flashlight the tangible portion of what we accomplish in our time. Through the use of that Flashlight/time we ourselves become a symbol of something much greater and having much more influence over this tangible world than we will ever fully realize. That thought excites me, and helps motivate me to make my life and my time be something worth all that influence in which it garners. Hopefully through my writing this it might become that for someone else as well.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Pushing those Away who Push Back
Blue Octobers "Hate Me" does a good job of illustrating how this works. The mind is a place that likes the known, it doesn't like to change because that requires it to work and analyze the possible outcomes of how these changes will affect ones life. Which is why when the call comes for young adults and teens to step up and do what they have been preparing their whole lives to do they fight like a hermit crab to retain the shell which they have already outgrown. Unfortunately for some unsuspecting parents and loved ones they are often the ones that are first pushed away, because they understand the true potential of the individual and are willing to try to get them to live up to it. In some cases the methods the person who doesn't want to change will use are extreme and cause the loved ones to have to "cut" off the relationship for their own self preservation.
This however is a bit deceiving because in cutting the person off they often feel they are getting what they want, but instead they are forced to do exactly what all those loved ones wanted them to do all along. With time comes wisdom and they begin to understand what those loved ones were trying to do and all they are left with is regret and guilt over how they have acted.
Such is life, and in my own personal experience I have found that it is much easier to fight for things to stay the same, however much more meaningful to fight to things to change. To not be content with things the way they are and fight them to change is often more difficult however it carries with it more meaning and more rewards. Though I have rambled a bit my point is we should always be fighting for changes in our lives, and pushing our loved ones. We should equally however be mindful of when we are simply pushing those who push back.
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