Moving forward in life one must strive to focus on the light, though the dark conceals the path. Man has always been afraid of the dark regardless of how long you spend in it there is always the fear of the unknown or the things you cannot see. I remember as a child there was a small stream that ran through our front yard with a large tube which fed it under our driveway for a little over 200 feet or so. Me and my cousins who where my best friends used to pretend that we were soldiers and we would take flash lights and pretend we needed to crawl through the tube like tunnel to escape from prison or whatever story we had concocted for the day. We would start by going to the top the tunnel sloped downward because the stream came from above our house up a hill that made its way up into the mountains. There usually being three of us it was always scariest for the person who was in front or the person who was in back. I recall how frightening it was for us the tunnel being so long and only a little bigger then us so that we had to army crawl through it. This fear was extenuated by the fact that it was so dark and the tunnel itself had a bend making a certain maybe 20 feet range where you would see no light whatsoever. Every journey though it would take us several attempts because we would always get scared and have to turn back a few times. The only way we could ever make it though the tunnel was to focus on the light that was behind us at the beginning and then after a short period of darkness was in front of us.
How much is this trip though the tunnel like certain times in our lives can be when we cannot see hope in what the future has to bring for us and at times we lose track of the light sometimes in our past and in our future. The light behind us being the knowledge of what hard work and perseverance can turn into, and the light ahead being the hope which is attained by being able to see an end of the darkness in sight. There comes a part in every ones life that they begin to focus to much on the darkness that surrounds them and not the prospect of light or actual light in the distance. I write this because I feel I need to for myself and maybe someone else who stumbles onto this blog in the future that one should (myself included) focus on the light and the prospect of light. I must always remind myself that there is always a sunny summers day at the end of the tunnel, and most of the time when you get there your eyes have to adjust to the light because it is more that your can handle in that moment. Here's to hoping for that summers day in all our life's pursuits and may we not end up squinting to much from the darkness to notice that light.
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