Friday, February 24, 2012

A Cycle Uninterrupted

To quote Newtons laws of motion an object in motion will remain in motion until acted upon, or an object at rest will remain at rest until acted on by another force.  Lately I have been really feeling as if I am caught in a cycle in which there is no end unless it be the ending of my life.  I feel trapped inside myself with no outside force at work in helping me be released from the cycle.  Trapped inside the social function of a world that neither values or appreciates what I have to offer it.  Some times I think that I'd like to watch the world burn and myself along with it.  Maybe it is time for it to burn and be started over anew so all the social paradigms which trap and oppress what is truly important in this world can be returned to the proper place.  Digging deep within myself I know that the outside world doesn't matter as long as I have my personal center.  It is just hard living in a world where nearly everyone is looking for personal gain, where the media force feeds everyone their dogma of what is important and what is not, and where a man cannot provide for his own family using his skills because of all the outside forces at work in determining the worth of the mans work and life.
In a world with so many people seeking for so for something that only an elect few ever attain it is surprising to me that more people don't give up on this life, and often time sad existence.  The only solace I find myself having is that I am able to close my eyes and in so doing blow up all outside influences until only mine remain.  In doing that I again find my center, though my wants and desires are so suppressed in this world that I walk only the path that others have laid before me at least I can close my eyes until all else fades.

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